Three Illusions Video #3
Answering questions about free will from the Facebook group.
Answering questions about free will from the Facebook group.
A short video (about 10 minutes) talking about what life is like after the realisation that we are nothing but atoms. If you have ideas for subjects or questions for future videos, let me know in the comments section.
I thought it might be interesting to quickly review some of the most famous scriptures and writings from various religions and gurus to see how they map against the science discussed in the Three Illusions book. It is, of course, easy to overlay any framework onto many of the ancient writings, as they tend to […]
If you’re looking for some good concrete examples to demonstrate how our minds create the illusion of the world around us, check out this site that Ian shared with us over on the Three Illusions Facebook group.
Brian Greene explains why space and time are part of a single continuum and why that means that everything that will ever happen HAS ALREADY HAPPENED somewhere in space-time. As I try to explain in the book, this means it is pointless to worry about what might happen in the future. If it HAS ALREADY […]
The answer is – I have no idea! However the below video and the RadioLab podcast “What A Slinky Knows” bring up some interesting philosophical issues about time, information and the nature of our perceptions. What happens to the bottom rung of a slinky when you let go of the top rung?
Sam Harris has posted a new article today called “Life Without Free Will“. He starts off: One of the most common objections to my position on free will is that accepting it could have terrible consequences, psychologically or socially. This is a strange rejoinder, analogous to what many religious people allege against atheism: Without a […]
Lawrence Krauss a Canadian-American theoretical physicist who is a professor of physics, Foundation Professor of the School of Earth and Space Exploration, and director of the Origins Project at Arizona State University. He is the author of several bestselling books, including The Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing. He is an advocate of […]
Another mind-bending illusion. Hard to believe that what-you-think-is-real is NOT, isn’t it? Yet the facts remain.
I have set up a Facebook Group for us to discuss the concepts and ideas contained in the book. Feel free to join up!